Community Meeting Slides & Script


Slide 1:

Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us tonight.

Slide 2:

My name is [name], and I am [brief bio].

We are gathered here to discuss the [insert name] cell tower in our neighborhood. This meeting is an important opportunity for all of us to discuss the implications of this tower, share our concerns and explore how we can address this issue together. Our aim is to ensure that development in our community is thoughtful, responsible and respectful to all of us – the people who call this community home.

Slide 3:

At this meeting, we will review the details about the cell tower; discuss relevant regulations, zoning laws, and procedures governing such projects; share research and insights regarding the environmental and health implications; and finish with next steps and questions.

Slide 4:

Let’s start by coming to an understanding about what we already know about the tower. [State the known details: the who, what, when, where, and why]

Slide 5:

We must start with an understanding of the legal and regulatory framework that governs cell towers, including the avenues available to us for raising objections.

The federal government, including the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), favors the objectives of the telecommunications industry over the health and safety of residents, and has mandated local authorities to build out and expand 4G and 5G networks in neighborhoods and communities across the country. The main legal framework which facilitates the deployment of 5G infrastructure across the United States is the Telecommunications Act of 1996 – known as the TCA. The TCA essentially prevents local authorities from denying cell tower installations based on health and environmental grounds. However, this does not mean that our hands are tied. At the local level, we have broad authority to regulate the placement, construction, and modification of the proposed tower and to demand compliance with regulations related to historic preservation, endangered species, and natural resource protection.

Slide 6:

Let’s move on to cover the impacts on our community, including health concerns, environmental effects, privacy risks and the impact on property values.

Many of us are concerned about the long-term health implications of continuous exposure to radiofrequency radiation emitted by cell towers. We believe it is prudent to err on the side of caution. In communities around the world, people are calling for more rigorous research before additional towers are erected close to where people live, work, and go to school. It's not just about whether the radiation is below federal limits. It's about understanding what sustained exposure means for our health over decades, not just days or years.

Over the past several decades, numerous scientific publications have demonstrated the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure from wireless sources such as macro towers and small cells. The FCC has disregarded thousands of peer-reviewed studies showing biological effects – including cancer, DNA damage, sperm damage, neuropsychiatric effects – induced far below current FCC exposure limits.

As of 2023, hundreds of scientists from over 50 nations had signed an international appeal calling for protection from electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure, stating: “Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”

Slide 7:

We must consider the broader consequences of this development. The introduction of a cell tower raises serious concerns about the long-term health of our environment. Cell towers can disrupt local ecosystems, displace wildlife, and alter the natural landscape. Many different life forms – from insects to wildlife and plants – have been shown to be adversely affected by EMFs.

Have alternative sites less intrusive to our environment been considered? What measures are proposed to mitigate the environmental impact? How will the natural beauty and biodiversity that define our community be preserved?

Slide 8:

5G – the 5th generation of mobile network technology – networks require a greater number of macro cell towers and small cell antennas to ensure coverage and capacity. The closer proximity and increased number of wireless installations enhance the network's ability to collect data continuously, raising concerns about the potential for more detailed tracking of users' locations and behaviors.

Technology magazine Fast Company explains the privacy risks associated with 5G: through 5G towers, “your mobile network will now be able to pinpoint your location much more accurately–even knowing which building you are in.” This lack of location privacy can also enable advertisers and data brokers to see the exact routes you take each day and even which buildings you go into. And anyone with access to your mobile network’s cell tower data will now be able to track your movements in real time.”

Slide 9:

Research shows that proximity to cell towers can lower property values.

In one study, the overwhelming majority of respondents (94%) reported that cell towers and antennas in a neighborhood or on a building would impact interest in a property and the price they would be willing to pay for it. And 79% said under no circumstances would they ever purchase or rent a property within a few blocks of a cell tower or antenna.

A series of three professional studies conducted between 1984 and 2004 determined that the installation of a cell tower in close proximity to a residential home reduced the value of the home by anywhere from one to twenty percent.

Slide 10:

Please stay tuned for next steps. Remember that tonight is just the beginning. We are not just asking for a reconsideration of the proposed cell tower. We are asking for a commitment to our health and well-being. We are asking for policies that prioritize people over technological advancements.

Your involvement, energy, and commitment are crucial as we move forward. Together, we can keep our community a healthy, happy place to live. Thank you all for your time and commitment.

Let's open the floor. We invite you to share your thoughts, concerns, and any information you might have about the cell tower. Let’s keep this discussion respectful and constructive.