Stop a Proposed Cell Tower


Why It’s Important

Stopping a proposed cell tower requires understanding the lay of the land, mobilizing your community, and effectively communicating with decision makers.

We know this process can be overwhelming! Children’s Health Defense is partnering with McCollough Law Firm P.C. to provide expert legal and consulation services to maximize your community’s effectiveness.

How To Do It

Contact for your free initial consultation with our team of experts and explore the step-by-step guide below to push back against proposed cell towers in your community.

Research The Cell Tower Proposal

Why It’s Important

Understanding the details surrounding the proposal and the legal and regulatory framework will give you a sense of the bigger picture and inform your strategy.

How To Do It

  1. Follow our research tips to find the permit application file as well as the zoning ordinance for your jurisdiction. You are looking for the entire permit application file, including the full application and any correspondence.

  2. Do your best to start to learn about the legal and regulatory framework.

  3. Learn as much as you can about the negative impacts of cell towers on your neighborhood.

Create Online Resources

Why It’s Important

Your website, social media pages, and petition are where community members can learn, stay informed, and get involved. Your online resources are also a good place for the press to visit – creating a buzz  can put additional pressure on decision-makers and telecommunications companies to address your community’s concerns.

How To Do It

  1. Make a website. We recommend a free and easy website builder like SquareSpace, Wix, Weebly or Wordpress. Two examples are Belmar Against 5G Towers and Stop the Cell Tower, but there are so many others!

  2. Create a Facebook page and post updates about your progress, upcoming events and other important information.

  3. Create a petition on and start to collect signatures! Use this template to get started.

  4. Invite all your friends and neighbors to follow your social media pages and share your website and encourage them to do the same.

Fund Your Efforts

Why It’s Important

Fundraising will be central to your efforts. Print materials, lawn signs, legal representation, and other advocacy efforts all cost money!

How To Do It

  1. Define your goals and create a budget.

  2. Use a crowdfunding platform like GoFundMe, Kickstarter, or Indiegogo to set up a page and reach a broad audience. Learn about how to set up a donation page for fundraising.

  3. Promote your fundraising page on your website and by email.

Increase Visibility

Why It’s Important

Using lawn signs and engaging local media outlets will increase visibility and raise public awareness.

How To Do It

  1. Design and order lawn signs. Consider using a local company or an office supplies store.

  2. Promote your signs over social media, email and your website.

  3. Alert local media outlets of the proposal and your objections. Use this template to send a letter to the editor. Encourage them to visit and share your website and social media page(s). Reach out to local journalists and offer to give interviews about the issue.

Organize A Community Meeting

Why It’s Important

A community meeting is a key step to challenge the proposal. Use this and future meetings to educate your community about the issue, discuss possible action and gain support.

How To Do It

  1. Invite all your friends, neighbors, and safe technology advocates in your area over Facebook (template) and email (template).

  2. Personalize this script and slideshow to use at your meeting.

  3. Collect email addresses at the meeting and use this list to communicate with your coalition.

Hint: Your meeting might be a good opportunity to pass out flyers and lawn signs!

Hire A Lawyer

Why It’s Important

Hire a lawyer as soon as possible to understand your legal options and rights. Your local government should strive to reject the proposal before the shot clock expires. 

Beware: many telecommunications lawyers work for the telecommunications industry – find an independent and trusted attorney. 

How To Do It

  1. Start your research with this legal directory or reach out to

  2. Seek out representation for your coalition.

  3. Advocate for your town to hire a specialist lawyer by sending a letter to your town council and submit written comments.

  4. Familiarize yourself with any legal precedents in your state or community regarding cell tower opposition, as these can influence your strategy and likelihood of success.

Engage Elected Officials

Why It’s Important

It is important to develop and maintain relationships with local officials. Start with city council members, the mayor, and state and county elected officials. Don’t forget about your local planning board and any other relevant stakeholders. Use existing relationships to your coalition’s advantage.

How To Do It

  1. Write letters and emails by personalizing this template.

  2. Request meetings to present your case against the cell tower. 

  3. Make your voice heard at city council meetings, zoning board or planning commission meetings, and any other community  meetings. If the tower is to be on school grounds, engage your school board.

  4. Encourage members of your coalition to follow these same steps.

Advocate For A Safe Wireless Ordinance

Why It’s Important

A protective wireless ordinance is a powerful tool to fight proposed wireless telecommunications installations. The ideal scenario is that your municipality already has a strong ordinance, but if that’s not the case now may be a good time to work with your elected officials to revise it, so that your community has more protections in place moving forward.

How To Do It

Lean on your lawyer and supportive elected officials. You want to read up on and share with them the key elements of a safe wireless ordinance and refer to examples of safe wireless ordinances in municipalities across the U.S. You can also reach out to to get advice on the best path forward.

Gear Up For Potential Litigation

Why It’s Important

In the event that your concerns are not given adequate consideration and the permit is granted, you may want to prepare for litigation.

Hint: Find out about similar litigation efforts by visiting CHD’s EMR Litigation Efforts.

How To Do It

  1. Discuss possible avenues for litigation with your lawyer – these may include zoning and land use violations, environment and health concerns, failure to comply with federal and state laws, property value impacts, or procedural fairness and due process issues.

  2. Keep detailed records of relevant documents (e.g., zoning maps, permits, public notices, meeting minutes, environmental assessments, etc.). 

  3. Continue to engage your coalition and mobilize community support to strengthen your case. Demonstrated public opposition can influence judicial and administrative decisions.

Keep Going

Why It’s Important

Be prepared to keep going! With these fights, persistence is key to gaining traction and support. If you haven’t had the success you had hoped for yet, that doesn’t mean that you should give up the cause.

How To Do It

  1. Take a breather to appreciate all you’ve learned and accomplished.

  2. Assess what has worked well and not. What modifications can be made to your strategy moving forward?

  3. As needed, be prepared to start over at step 1 and go through the steps again! Don’t give up!